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100% Iberian Bellota Shoulder Designation of Origin Los Pedroches

Information about 100% Iberian Bellota Shoulder Designation of Origin Los Pedroches

100% Iberian Bellota Shoulder DOP Los Pedroches. Pata Negra of the Iberian. From Pozoblanco, the capital of the Valley of the Pedroches. Exclusive palette of the livestock of the Martín family that raises all its 100% Iberian pigs in its own farms between the municipalities of Villanueva de Córdoba, Hinojosa and Pozoblanco in the region of Los Pedroches in Córdoba.

The 100% acorn shoulder Los Pedroches cataloged as one of the best Iberian shoulders on the market. It usually has a darker flesh with cherry tones and a fatty coating on the mace that allows to get a juicy meat with all the flavor of the acorn and herbs of the Valley of the Pedroches.

The PDO palette Valle de los Pedroches of Agroibérica de Pozoblanco has an excellent reputation among the crazy of the Iberian.

We remind you that the lean yield of a pallet is around 30% of its gross weight.

(The price does not include the possible decoration)
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  • 3,5-4kgs
  • 4-4,5kg
  • 4,5-5kg
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Product Details

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 100% Iberian Bellota Shoulder Designation of Origin Los Pedroches

Color Seal R.D 4/2014
Racial purity
100% Iberian
Raised in freedom in the Dehesa
Minimal Healing
20 months min
Appellation of origin
D.O.P Los Pedroches
Prepared in
Pozoblanco - Valle de los Pedroches - Córdoba
Place of breeding
Dehesas de Pozoblanco and Villanueva - Valle de Los Pedroches - Córdoba
Delivery in
3 working days
Allergen Information
Gluten and lactose free
Iberian pork shoulder, salt, sugar, acidity regulator E-331iii, preservative E-252 and E-250 and antioxidant E-301
Shipping Information
Individual piece packed in protective sleeve in cardboard box
Health Registration
Agroiberian. Spain 10.2727/CO CE
Certificado por
Certificado por: Certicalidad S.L

Specific References


Product Sheet Notice

From Ibericomio.es we recommend to all our users that always before consuming any product read carefully the nutritional information of the same, the list of ingredients and the suggestions of consumption and / or conservation. We also recommend that you pay attention to all information, whether voluntary and/or mandatory, that appears on the product label or is provided by the producer. Please note that there may be transcription errors on our portal regarding product information.

Meet the producer

Finca Cañada La Pila, on the road that takes you between Dehesas from Pozoblanco to Obejo, is the jewel in the crown of Agroibérica de Pozoblanco. An extensive Dehesa de Encinas where pure Iberian pigs are raised from which the renowned Bellota Ham of Agroiberica will be obtained.

In addition to La Pila, the Martín family has other Dehesas in other municipalities such as Villanueva de Córdoba, Cardeña or Espiel. All farms are within the framework of the Los Pedroches Denomination of Origin, which allows Agroiberica to select its best pieces to be qualified as DO Los Pedroches Iberian Ham.


The Iberian ham of Agroibérica de Pozoblanco comes solely and exclusively from the more than 1500 own animals that it slaughters per year. The traceability of Agroiberica 100% Iberian acorn-fed ham is guaranteed from the moment the piglets are born until they are slaughtered.

The curing plant that Agroibérica de Pozoblanco has in this Cordovan town is known throughout the region as Jamones Malcan, Hermanos Martín López. In this factory, hams are still cured in the same artisanal way as when José's grandfather arrived from Salamanca. Opening and closing windows according to the time of year, the winds that blow every day and taking advantage of the heat or cold of each hour of the day. The company still retains the brand Jamón Ibérico Malcan and it is common for the town to be known more by this name than by Agroibérica.

The Martín family was the driving force behind the creation of the D.O.P. Jamón Ibérico de Los Pedroches. His recognized career in defense of D.O. Ham Los Pedroches is verified in its continuous presence in all activities that the Los Pedroches Denomination of Origin carries out nationally and internationally. In our portal you can find all the offer of Iberian Ham D.O. Los Pedroches de Agroibérica de Pozoblanco.

Agroibérica's Iberian sausage is still made with José's grandmother's recipe, using only natural ingredients and the best lean, prey, secret, feather... of the own Iberian pigs.


Paleta of 100% bellota Ibérica PDO Los Pedroches, also known as Pata Negra. Produced in Pozoblanco, Córdoba, by the Martín family. It stands out for its dark, juicy, bellota-flavored flesh. Highly appreciated by ibérico lovers, with a lean yield of 30% of its gross weight.

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Nutritional Info paleta bellota 100% Ibérico
Jernej D.
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