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Bellota shoulder 50% Iberian - Ledrada - Hams HPM

Information about Bellota shoulder 50% Iberian - Ledrada - Hams HPM

50% Iberian Bellota shoulder from Ledrada from the producer to your home with guaranteed traceability is now easy.

Take advantage of the opportunity of a great 50% Iberian shoulder of Bellota de Ledrada direct from the manufacturer to your home with all the guarantees.

From Ledrada, hams and sausages HPM offers us this acorn shoulder from its own pastures. All the pieces of Hams and Sausages HPM come exclusively from the pigs raised in the Dehesas of the Martín family in Ledrada and the Sierra de Béjar.

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(The price does not include the possible decoration)
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(€16.59 por kg aprox.)


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Product Details

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Bellota shoulder 50% Iberian - Ledrada - Hams HPM

Color Seal R.D 4/2014
Racial purity
50% Iberian
Raised in freedom in the Dehesa
Minimal Healing
16 months min
Appellation of origin
Jamón Ibérico non-PDO
Prepared in
Place of breeding
Delivery in
3 working days
Allergen Information
Gluten and lactose free

Product Sheet Notice

From Ibericomio.es we recommend to all our users that always before consuming any product read carefully the nutritional information of the same, the list of ingredients and the suggestions of consumption and / or conservation. We also recommend that you pay attention to all information, whether voluntary and/or mandatory, that appears on the product label or is provided by the producer. Please note that there may be transcription errors on our portal regarding product information.

Meet the producer

In Jamones y Embutidos HPM they elaborate an artisanal Iberian ham in Ledrada since 1925 when the first generations sacrificed pigs and took advantage of these all the products.

It is in 1958 when Pedro Martín Garcia begins to open a new line of business, where he was the sole owner. This stage of tradition and know-how passed into the hands of his daughter Mª Dolores in 1984. Since then Mª Dolores runs the family business preserving the artisanal elaboration of Iberian ham from Ledrada as it was instilled in her by her father.

If you want to buy Iberian ham from Ledrada online this is your chance.

Iberian ham from Ledrada (Salamanca)

Located at the foot of the Sierra de Bejar, Ledrada is a municipality dedicated exclusively to the production of Iberian ham and sausage. A landscape that combines mountain with meadows of holm oaks and cork oaks. Its climate of long dry and cold winters, and short and mild summers, make it an ideal enclave for the natural curing of Iberian Ham. A very important climatic factor is the altitude of 880m above sea level and its environment allows it to remain free of fogs during the winter, since these indicate negatively in the natural curing of ham and Iberian shoulder.

With just over 500 registered inhabitants, Ledrada has 7 factories of ham, shoulder and Iberian sausage. A municipality dedicated body and soul to Iberian ham.

As it can not be less, Ledrada has a holiday dedicated to the elaboration of Iberian products that gives it so much fame. Every year, on a Sunday in February, the municipality recreates the traditional typical slaughter, where they teach all visitors how our grandparents made the products that today serve as sustenance. Therefore, the Martín family invites you not to miss this unique and very illustrative event of how these products were made.

Artisan elaboration of Ham

The facilities of HPM S.L are located on the outskirts of the municipality of Ledrada, surrounded by meadows of holm oaks and cork oaks, away from population centers, ideal place for the natural curing of their products.

The brand cures hams, sausages and shoulders from Iberian pigs from their own farms. It has a farm where the greatest commitment is animal welfare. So it has recreational areas where animals can walk and exercise their muscles. This is a differentiating factor that brings texture and flavor to your products.

In addition to farm production, the family raises and feeds pigs based on acorns during the montanera season, where the pigs walk through large areas of pasture. From these pastures come the animals that after their sacrifice offer us such a precious delicacy as the Iberian Acorn-fed Ham.

In short, when buying Iberian HPM products, traceability is guaranteed from the field to your table. In addition to being a process entirely carried out by the Martín family, they can offer you authentic Iberian ham at a good price

As a curiosity, HPM SL produces the Iberian pig tongue embuchada, following an ancestral tradition and proof of the artisanal orientation of its production.
Cured Iberian pork tongue has very few calories and sliced is a perfect delicacy as an aperitif.


This 50% Iberian acorn-fed shoulder ham from Ledrada is sent directly from the producer to your home with guaranteed traceability. It comes from the Dehesas of the Martín family in Ledrada and the Sierra de Béjar. Use the seal number with ASICI's Iberian app for more information. An opportunity to enjoy a quality product with guarantees.

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Juan R.
la paletilla esta buena de sabor y bien de tozino me fuese gustado un poco mas jugosa por la parte de atras esta tirando a seca
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